1 Play 2 Play Pandora's Box. 3 Pause 4 Pause the game. 50 Get Quick Help for this screen or puzzle. 51 Exit. 52 Return to the previous screen. 54 Menu items: Main Screen, Save, Minimize, Options, Exit. 55 Menu items: Main Screen, Save, Minimize, Options, Exit. 101 Start playing. 102 Start the tutorial to receive interactive instructions for any puzzle. 103 See the gallery of best times. 104 Play any puzzle. 105 Change options for sound, music, and timer. View Credits and About. 106 Load a saved game. 120 This is a test text string. 121 Add player name. 150 Click to see Image Hole puzzles. 151 Click to see Focus Point puzzles. 152 Click to see Rotascope puzzles. 153 Click to see Overlap puzzles. 154 Click to see Outer Layer puzzles. 155 Click to see Chiseler puzzles. 156 Click to see Jesse's Strips puzzles. 157 Click to see Rubber Sheet puzzles. 158 Click to see Slices puzzles. 159 Click to see Lens Bender puzzles. 160 Click to see Interlock puzzles. 161 Click to see Find and Fill puzzles. 169 Play selected puzzle. 204 Free Puzzles. 205 Hints. 206 Puzzles solved. 208 Solved and unsolved puzzles in this city. 210 You found the piece in this city. 250 Click OK when you are ready to continue. 256 Click to stay here and keep looking for Free Puzzles and Hints. 302 Time elapsed. 303 Pause puzzle. 304 Restart puzzle. 305 Quick Help. 306 Click to solve using a Free Puzzle token. Earn a Free Puzzle by solving 10 puzzles. 307 If you have earned Hints, click to receive a Hint for this puzzle. 308 Return to the City screen. 400 This is your current location. Click to travel to this city. 401 You have not found the piece in this city. Click to travel there. 402 You found the piece in this city. Click to travel there. 440 You captured Maui. 441 You captured Puck. 442 You captured Eris. 443 You captured Coyote. 444 You captured Monkey. 445 You captured Anansi. 446 You captured Raven. 461 Solve puzzles in Acapulco. 462 Solve puzzles in Athens. 463 Solve puzzles in Jerusalem. 464 Solve puzzles in Bangkok. 465 Solve puzzles in Berlin. 466 Solve puzzles in Budapest. 467 Solve puzzles in Buenos Aires. 468 Solve puzzles in Cairo. 469 Solve puzzles in Cannes. 470 Solve puzzles in Cheyenne. 471 Solve puzzles in Delhi. 472 Solve puzzles in Dublin. 473 Solve puzzles in Florence. 474 Solve puzzles in Istanbul. 475 Solve puzzles in Jerusalem. 476 Solve puzzles in Kyoto. 477 Solve puzzles in London. 478 Solve puzzles in Lusaka. 479 Solve puzzles in Machu Picchu. 480 Solve puzzles in Madrid. 481 Solve puzzles in Nairobi. 482 Solve puzzles in New York. 483 Solve puzzles in Paris. 484 Solve puzzles in Rio de Janeiro. 485 Solve puzzles in Rome. 486 Solve puzzles in Santa Fe. 487 Solve puzzles in Santo Domingo. 488 Solve puzzles in Shanghai. 489 Solve puzzles in St. Petersburg. 490 Solve puzzles in Sydney. 491 Solve puzzles in Tahiti. 492 Solve puzzles in Vancouver. 493 Solve puzzles in Whitehorse. 494 Solve puzzles at the Workshop. 501 Puzzles solved: Solve 10 puzzles to earn a Free Puzzle token. 502 Hint counter: Use a Hint when you want help solving a puzzle. 503 Free Puzzle counter: Use a Free Puzzle token to solve any puzzle automatically. 531 Puzzles solved: Solve 10 puzzles to earn a Free Puzzle token. 532 Hint counter: Use a Hint when you want help solving a puzzle. 533 Free Puzzle counter: Use a Free Puzzle token to solve any puzzle automatically. 703 Click to apply the new settings. 704 Click to delete the selected game. 705 Click to leave without making any changes. 706 Click to load the selected game. 707 Click to save the selected game. 710 Click to turn sounds on and off. 711 Click to turn music on and off. 712 Click to turn timer on and off. 715 Click to see the End User License Agreement. 716 Click to see who made this game. 717 Click to see your product ID number. 721 Click to turn sounds on and off. 722 Click to turn music on and off. 723 Click to turn the timer on and off. 1450 You have not captured Maui. 1451 You have not captured Puck. 1452 You have not captured Eris. 1453 You have not captured Coyote. 1454 You have not captured Monkey. 1455 You have not captured Anansi. 1456 You have not captured Raven. 1460 You have not captured Maui. 1461 You have not captured Puck. 1462 You have not captured Eris. 1463 You have not captured Coyote. 1464 You have not captured Monkey. 1465 You have not captured Anansi. 1466 You have not captured Raven. 1710 Click the box to see your progress. 1720 Click the box to see your progress. 1730 Click the box to see your progress. 1740 Click the box to see your progress. 1750 Click the box to see your progress. 1760 Click the box to see your progress. 1770 Click the box to see your progress. 2000 Image Hole 2001 Play Image Hole. 2050 Strike counter: If you click the wrong spot 3 times, the puzzle restarts. 2051 Strike counter: If you click the wrong spot 3 times, the puzzle restarts. 2600 Click to make holes move slower. 2601 Click to make holes move at medium speed. 2602 Click to make holes move faster. 3000 Focus Point 3001 Play Focus Point. 3201 Turn animation on and off. To increase game speed, turn off. 3202 Turn grid on and off. Turn on to see piece outlines. 4000 Rotascope 4001 Play Rotascope. 4151 Turn animation on and off. To increase game speed, turn off. 4152 Turn grid on and off. Turn on to see piece outlines. 5000 Overlap 5001 Play Overlap. 5401 Rotate piece. Or right-click to rotate. 6000 Outer Layer 6001 Play Outer Layer. 6250 Click to view from this angle. 6251 Click to view from this angle. 6252 Click to view from this angle. 6253 Click to view from this angle. 6601 Click for the next piece. 6602 Click for previous piece. 6666 Rotate the selected piece. 6667 Click to move to the left. 6668 Click to move to the right. 7100 Flip piece 7101 Rotate piece. 7102 Rotate piece. 8000 Jesse's Strips 8001 Play Jesse's Strips. 8990 Turn grid on/off to see piece outlines. 8991 Rotate piece. Or right-click to rotate. 9999 Rotate piece. Or right-click to rotate. 10000 Slices 10001 Play Slices. 10100 Flip piece. Or click to flip. 10101 Rotate piece. Or right-click to rotate. 10102 Rotate piece. Or right-click to rotate. 10103 Turn animation on and off. To increase game speed, turn off. 11000 Lens Bender 11001 Play Lens Bender. 11111 Rotate piece. Or right-click to rotate. 12000 Interlock 12001 Play Interlock. 12101 Flip piece. 12102 Rotate piece. Or right-click to rotate. 13000 Find and Fill 13001 Play Find and Fill. 13103 Click a color, and then click the area to fill. 13104 Click a color, and then click the area to fill. 13105 Click a color, and then click the area to fill. 13106 Click a color, and then click the area to fill. 13107 Click the black color, and then click the area to clear. 13108 Click to erase all colors. 13133 Click to scroll up. 13134 Click to scroll down. 15500 You have found this piece. 15501 You are looking for this piece.